Thursday, August 14, 2008

Digg Cracks Down On Trolls - Onetimer Troll Defeated

UPDATE: Onetimer has been reinstated, meaning that his banning only lasted a couple of hours.

Early this morning Digg finally took action to clean up Digg and eliminate the rampant death threats. Libertyth0r's heroic efforts to slay the trolls JCM267 and Onetimer weren't without casualties however. In the process of hunting and exposing the trolls that were responsible for the death threats against Kevin Rose, he was banned as well.

Check out the links below! You will be sent to the google search page, so that you may click on them and see that they have been banned:

Onetimer: Suspected of self-trolling and the slough of death threats against Kevin Rose

JCM267: Onetimer's Sidekick previously exposed by

JCM267's Profile on

Libertyth0r: Person banned in the process of exposing Digg's worst trolls

Libertyth0r's bombshell submission that led to the nixing of JCM267 and Onetimer